
Graph Engine Testbed

Different graph engines are implemented in each directory.

Each engine has a JS interface so they can all plug into the same data source which comes from graph.js.

The Engines

To Run

Open the index.html file in each directory.

You will need to view these files through a web server otherwise the browser will block you from loading the graph files due to cross-site-scripting.

To Profile

Open your browser console, timings will be written here.

To View A Custom Graph

To generate a JSON file from a .dot file (as output by cylc graph) you can do something along the lines of this:

echo [ > graph.json; grep '\->' | sed 's/\[.*//; s/ \->/,/g; s/^\t*//; s/^/\[/; s/ *$//; s/$/\],/' >> graph.json; echo ] >> graph.json
# remove final comma